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    South Australia - Religion

    "The Church in a New Land" is discussed in the Advertiser (special edition), 1 September 1936, page 82.


    Religion in Colonial South Australia

    (Taken from Geoffrey H.Manning's A Colonial Experience)

    Deep divisions within English society of the 1830s between supporters of the Church of England, and those who dissented from its inherent links with the government, were evident at this time, for the latter had a history of punishing those who were not in the mainstream of religious belief. Reform Acts of 1828/29 and 1832 saw the repealing of laws that had prevented Roman Catholics and Dissenters from holding public office or being elected to parliament, but other anomalies still persisted.

    For example, church rates for the upkeep of buildings, church yards and burial grounds could be imposed by church wardens and vestry on all the inhabitants of a parish, Anglicans and Dissenters alike but, conversely, Dissenters could not be married in their own chapels, or be buried by their own ministers in the churchyards for whose maintenance they paid; further, they could enter, but not take degrees at, Cambridge University.

    This unsatisfactory state of affairs was anathema to a growing body of Dissenters, many of whom became advocates for the total separation of church and state; thus, the seed was sown for the South Australian Act which culminated in the formation of a South Australian Association controlled by Dissenters, the most prominent of whom was the wealthy merchant, George Fife Angas whose dream was ?to provide a place of refuge for pious Dissenters of Great Britain, who could in their new home discharge their consciences before God in civil and religious duties without any disabilities.?

    Prior to the foundation of South Australia British colonies had provided for a system of state support for religion, but the South Australian Association?s plans were for the foundation of a colony without an established church and grants for religious purposes; that is to say, the belief was that all denominations and sects should have equal status and their affairs should be controlled solely by members. However, this noble ideal was thwarted in the House of Lords when the South Australian Act of 1834 contained a ?chaplaincy clause?, thus empowering the appointment of clergymen of the Church of England in the proposed colony.

    Until the turn of the 20th century in South Australia, there was a continuous indiscriminate assault on all social pleasures, categorised by many Church leaders as ?ball games, plays, racecourses, drinking and smoking parties, and many other questionable things? that savoured of the tart Puritanism which, gradually, gave way to the more generous view of permissible indulgence of a life that, in every real essential, may be broadly and deeply Christian.

    In those far off days excessively serious men and women may have denied themselves the occasional luxury of an innocent dance, the mental refreshment of a good play, the soothing influence of the cigar or the relaxation of a cheerful rubber of whist. But it was possible that they might have succeeded in doing their duty sufficiently in this world, and getting to Heaven in the end, without subjecting themselves to these minor penances of a belated asceticism.

    The unregulated competition of a social state, which apotheosised self-interest as the supreme motive in industrial activities and relations, the exploitation of labour as a mere ?commodity?, the deceit and tricks, the speculative spirit that ran to the excesses of the gamester - these were evils which a community professing to have Christian principles at heart could not reconcile with its former creed.

    It was not necessary for the Church to secularise itself in entering the lists against such abuses as these. The measure of the real influence, on those who sat under its ministrations, could be found in the extent to which the ethical teaching bore fruit in the actual conduct of life.

    In a leading article, the editor of the SA Register said that ?an intelligent blackfellow might well be excused for coming to the conclusion that civilisation is a pious fraud?, to which a fair thinking person might have ventured to add that no intelligent being, black or white, could possibly have come to any other conclusion, unless it was that civilisation was a fraud and lacking in piety.

    At the time our churches were increasing abundantly and their functions waxed in abundance - foundation-stone-laying, window-dedicating, annual meetings, tea meetings, ?rallies?, revival meetings, missionary meetings, harvest thanksgivings, Bible classes and so on, ad finitum.

    Then we had Christian Endeavourers, Criminological Societies, WCTUs, YMCAs, YWCAs, Teetotal Societies, Social Purity Societies, Home-reading Societies, Blue Ribboners, White Ribboners and scores of similar bodies. Indeed, ordinary everyday persons who sought to walk straight and mind their own business began to doubt whether they were not an outcast in such an atmosphere of aggressive holiness.

    Under the influence of these ?holy? people, Bills were laid before Parliament to ?establish a tyranny greater than that of the Turk in Constantinople.? Well may the philosopher have asked if life was worth living? If those shouters and screamers had remained at home by their own firesides, attended to their own household duties, worshiped reverently at their own churches, avoided the sickly and exciting dissipation of those uproarious meetings, there is little doubt the world would have been better for everybody.

    The Church should have kept in touch with social problems and its action in standing aloof from the economic questions of the day showed a want of sympathy with the workers in their desire to improve their social conditions. It seemed to many that the Church would not touch anything that had the slightest relationship to everyday life and, regretfully, professing Christians, as a rule, looked upon their work as complete in nursing their pastor and their pastor?s work in nursing them. One continual round of preaching, hymn singing, bazaars, Sunday school treats, and nicely distributed kid-gloved charity, seemed to be the aim of the orthodox churches. The general antipathy of many within the working class was put classically by an itinerant carpenter in 1884 when he voiced his protest:

    General Notes

    "The South Australian Pulpit" is in the South Australian Magazine , 1841-1842, pages 241 and 299,
    "Religion in South Australia" in the SA Oddfellows Magazine,
    pages 50, 81 and 121.

    "A Pioneer Priest [Rev C.B. Howard]" is in the Register,
    28 April 1921, page 3e.

    "The First SA Baptism [in the River Torrens]" is in the Register,
    9 December 1902, page 4h.

    "A Colonial Reminisce" is in the Register,
    24 April 1880, page 1f (supp.).

    A photograph of the dedication of a memorial at the West Terrace cemetery in honour of the first Colonial Chaplain, Charles B. Howard, is in the Observer,
    24 December 1921, page 24.

    "Churchmen in Older Days" is in the Observer,
    16 September 1922, page 51c,
    "Local Preachers of Long Ago" is in the Observer,
    19 March 1927, page 60d.

    A banquet in respect of "the benevolent principle demonstrated in Sunday-school education" at Prospect House is reported in the Observer,
    6 January 1849, page 2a.

    Information on Sunday schools conducted by the Wesleyan Church is in the Observer,
    6 April 1850, page 2e.

    "Synodical Action and the Local Courts" is in the Register,
    9 and 18 January 1855, pages 2b and 2d,
    16 February 1855, page 2d.

    "Religious Liberty and Public Order" is in the Register,
    13 July 1855, page 2e,
    14 July 1855, page 5c.

    "Church Sites" is in the Register,
    19 September 1855, page 2b.

    "The Diocesan Synod" is in the Observer,
    3 May 1856, page 6e.

    "The Bush Mission" is in the Register,
    5 January 1857, page 2d,
    4 March 1857, page 2e,
    15 April 1858, page 2d,
    21 January 1859, page 3c,
    1 April 1863, page 3a, 6 June 1866, page 3g,
    17 April 1858, page 6g,
    8 March 1860, page 2g.
    A report on the SA Bush Mission is in the Register,
    27 March 1888, page 7c.

    "The Alleged Inefficiency of the Modern Pulpit" is in the Register,
    25 January 1858, page 3e.

    "Religion and Education" is in the Observer,
    10 July 1858, page 5e.

    "The Earliest Churches" is in the Advertiser,
    30 December 1912, page 11a.

    The first Presbyterian Church in South Australia is described in the Register,
    8 January 1891, page 7g.
    A history of the Presbyterian Women's Missionary Union is in the Advertiser,
    16 June 1937, page10d.

    Reminiscences of early churches in South Australia are in the Register,
    31 January 1914, page 4g,
    3, 4 and 7 February 1914, pages 8f, 8h and 13f.

    "The Pioneer Lutheran Church", by Rev John Blacket, is in the Advertiser,
    20 and 29 March 1929, pages 14a and 10i.

    "State of Religious Instruction in the Colony" is discussed in the Southern Australian,
    30 June 1838, page 3a,
    "Religion and Education in SA in 1840" in the Advertiser,
    11 May 1881, page 6f.

    "The Jubilee of Congregationalism" is in the Observer,
    28 March 1885, page 34a,
    13 and 16 September 1886, pages 3e and 3f,
    "Congregationalism in South Australia" in the Advertiser,
    17 October 1912, page 12c; also see
    26 December 1925, page 10b,
    3 September r1937, page 36a and Adelaide - Religion - Miscellany.
    Information on the Congregational Church Women's Society is in the Advertiser,
    2 June 1937, page 10c.

    "Religious Liberty - The Voluntary Principle" is discussed in the Register,
    24 April 1841, page 3a,
    26 August 1841, page 3e,
    10 and 24 July 1841, pages 2e and 2e,
    7 and 14 August 1841, pages 3d and 2b,
    4 September 1841, page 2b,
    15 and 22 February 1842, pages 2b and 2c,
    19 April 1843, page 2f,
    2 August 1843, page 2c.

    The foundation of a Christian Instruction Society is reported upon in the Register,
    30 December 1843, page 3b.

    A plea "To the Churches of Christ in SA" is in the Register,
    15 May 1844, page 3e.

    "Religion in South Australia" is in the Register,
    7 January 1846, page 2c.

    State support for religion is discussed in the Register,
    4, 11, 15, 18, 22 and 25 July 1846, pages 2c-3e, 1e, 2a, 1d, 2c-3 and 3b,
    12, 19, 22, 26 and 29 August 1846, pages 2d, 2b, 1b-2a, 1b and 2c,
    17 July 1847, page 2b,
    28 and 31 July 1851, pages 3b and 2c. Also see
    South Australian,
    21 April 1846, page 2b,
    12 May 1846, page 2b.

    "Sunday School Recreation" is in the South Australian,
    27 January 1846, page 3c,
    "Hints to Sunday School Teachers" in the Church Intelligence and Christian Gleaner,
    January 1851, page 21.

    "The Church and Bishop Short" is discussed in the SA Gazette & Mining Journal,
    1 February 1851, page 2e and
    "The Church Rupture in South Australia" in the Adelaide Times,
    1 April 1851, page 4a.
    Also see Place Names - Hundred of Short.

    "Religious Liberty and Public Order" is in the Register,
    13 July 1855, page 2e,
    "Religious Liberty in SA" in the Observer,
    13 August 1887, page 5b.

    Under the heading "Clerical Infatuation" the editor of the Register says on 29 December 1855, page 2c:

    "The Alleged Inefficiency of the Modern Pulpit" is in the Register,
    25 January 1858, page 3e:

    "Religion and Education [at Sunday Schools]" is in the Register,
    9 July 1858, page 2g.

    "Church Union" is in the Register,
    10 November 1858, page 5a,
    26 January 1859, page 6e,
    1 and 21 February 1859, pages 2e and 3c,
    6 April 1859, page 3c,
    23 May 1859, page 2h,
    1 June 1859, page 2h,
    "Church Union" is in the Register on
    19 September 1918, page 4b and
    15 and 16 September 1919, pages 6c and 5h,
    2 March 1920, page 6c,
    23, 28 and 31 August 1920, pages 7a, 10c and 3f,
    30 and 31 May 1922, pages 8c and 7f,
    4 January 1923, page 7g.

    "The Church of England in South Australia" is in the Chronicle,
    11 May 1861, page 1e (supp.).

    "The Church Bill" is in the Observer,
    7 June 1862, page 6a,
    9 August 1862, page 1a (supp.).

    "Religious Raffles and Lotteries" is in the Register,
    15 August 1864, page 3c.
    "Raffles for Religious Purposes" is in the Register,
    3 January 1865, page 3c.
    "Bishop Rules Out Raffles" is in the Observer,
    7 September 1929, page 11c.

    "The Anglican Church in Australia" is in the Chronicle,
    17 February 1866, page 2c; also see
    14 January 1882, page 5a,
    15 February 1882, page 6f.

    The arrival of John Williams' missionary ship is reported in the Express,
    5 May 1866, page 3c; also see
    15 May 1866, page 3c.

    Open air services at the Botanic Garden are described in the Observer,
    12 September 1868, page 5c.

    "Ritualism in the Synod" is in the Register,
    3 May 1869, page 2d,
    "The Synod on Popular Education" on
    28 May 1869, page 2c.

    The departure of the Rev Dr Muecke from South Australia is reported in the Chronicle,
    20 November 1869, page 4g.

    The introduction and continuance of religion in the "Bush" is the subject of concern as seen by references to "Our Missionaries - Where are They" in the Register,
    14 and 15 January 1870, pages 5f and 6c.

    The Register of
    30 June 1870, page 6d publishes a letter from "A Young Minister" wherein he gives insights into the trials and tribulations of his profession;
    a reaction from "A Young Layman" appears on
    1 July 1870, page 6a; also see
    6 July 1870, page 6d,
    16 July 1870, page 3d.

    Statistics on the various denominations in SA are in the Observer,
    30 September 1871, page 13c.

    "The Pulpit and the Press" is in the Register,
    18 and 19 September 1871, pages 5f and 3f.

    "The Union College" is in the Register,
    20 March 1872, page 4f.
    The inaugural meeting of the Union College is reported in the Observer,
    1 June 1872, page 6b,
    14 July 1877, page 6d,
    26 March 1879, page 1a (supp.),
    25 April 1885, page 7a.
    An editorial on the Union College is in the Advertiser,
    18 April 1885, page 4e; also see
    9 December 1886, pages 4f-7d

    Editorials on the Church of England are in The Irish Harp,
    22 and 29 November 1872, pages 4b and 4a,
    6 December 1872, page 6b.

    "Free Churches and Free Chapels" is in the Observer,
    3 and 17 May 1873, pages 13e and 15b.

    "Religious Services at the Theatre Royal" is in the Observer,
    19 July 1873, page 8b.
    "Christians and the Naughty Theatre" is in the Register,
    14, 15, 16 and 18 September 1897, pages 6e, 6f, 6e and 4e.
    "Church and Stage" is in the Register,
    17 March 1893, pages 4h-6d.

    "Church Collections" is in the Register,
    10 and 12 November 1874, pages 7a and 6e.

    An editorial on religious bigotry allegedly practised by The Protestant Association is in the Advertiser, 3 December 1874, page 2b:

    The departure of Rev James Jefferis is reported in the Chronicle,
    31 March 1877, page 4e.

    The subject of "Poor Parsons" is traversed in the Register,
    28 February 1877, page 5g,
    "Salaries of Ministers of Religion" in the Advertiser,
    25 December 1896, page 6d.

    "Religious Statistics" is in the Register,
    9 January 1879, page 6a.

    "The Education of Ministers of Religion" is in the Register,
    23 December 1880, page 4d.

    "Clergymen in Parliament" is in the Register,
    8 April 1878, 3, 15, 21, 23, 26 and 29 January 1884, pages 6g, 4e, 6b, 2a (supp.), 6b and 6e,
    27 March 1884, page 3e.
    "The Clergy in Parliament" is in the Register,
    11 July 1890, pages 4h-6g,
    21 October 1890, page 7a; also see
    11 July 1890, pages 4c-5f.
    "The Church and Politics" is in the Register,
    13 August 1921, page 8d,
    13 August 1921, page 6d.
    "Church and State" on
    6 September 1921, page 4c.
    Also see South Australia - Politics - Miscellany.

    "The Clerical Disabilities Act, 1870" is in the Register,
    7 July 1883, page 1c (supp.).

    "The Religion of Destitute Children" is in the Observer,
    26 July 1884, page 24d.
    "The Churches and the Children" is in the Advertiser,
    20 October 1898, page 4f.

    "Unbaptised Children" is the subject of comment in the Advertiser,
    4 September 1905, page 6c.

    "Children and the Church" is in the Register,
    18 October 1927, pages 8e-13a,
    Also see South Australia - Social Matters - Miscellany - Children and Youths.

    "Disturbance at an Open Air Religious Service" is in the Register,
    6, 7 and 8 October 1884, pages 4f-6b, 7b and 7d.

    "Sunday School Teaching" is in the Chronicle,
    21 November 1885, page 6c,
    18 and 25 November 1905, pages 4g and 11a,
    2 July 1912, page 6d.

    "The Bishop and the Merchants" is in the Observer,
    18 and 25 September 1886, pages 37d and 14e.

    A poem titled "The Clergyman" is in The Lantern,
    7 August 1880, page 11,
    26 January 1887, page 19.

    "Religion in the State" is in the Register,
    5 and 9 May 1887, pages 7c and 7g.

    Sketches of a SA Sunday School Union Festival are in the Pictorial Australian in October 1890, page 140.

    "Religion and Politics" is discussed in the Observer,
    23 April 1887, page 25a,
    28 and 30 January 1889, pages 4f and 6b,
    6 February 1889, page 6h,
    22 May 1891, page 7h,
    Observer, 12 July 1890, page 31a.

    "A Clergyman in Trouble" is in the Register,
    17, 23 and 26 September 1887, pages 6a, 4h and 4h.

    "Church Life in SA" is in the Register,
    19 and 24 April 1888, pages 4g and 6h.

    "An Ecclesiastical Tribunal" is in the Register,
    2 August 1888, pages 4f-7a,
    6, 8 and 12 September 1888, pages 4h, 5a-6e and 5c.

    "The Church and the State" is in the Register,
    14 August 1888, page 4f.

    "Bishop Kennion on Social Problems" is in the Register,
    7 May 1890, page 4d,
    "Bishop Kennion's Pastoral Address" on
    24 and 25 April 1894, pages 4g and 4h.
    Also see Place Names - Hundred of Kennion

    "The Churches and Politics" is in the Register on
    22 and 23 May 1891, pages 7h and 4f,
    "The Church and Politics" in the Advertiser,
    13 April 1893, page 7f,
    "Ministers of Religion and Politics" in the Register,
    19 and 24 October 1901, pages 10d and 7i,
    30 November 1901, page 6e; also see
    17 October 1901, page 4d,
    21 November 1901, page 6a,
    "Politics and Preachers" is in the Register,
    30 November 1901, page 6e,
    7 December 1901, page 24e.

    "Home for Aged Ministers" is in the Register,
    4 August 1897, page 6f.

    "The Pulpit and the People" is in the Register,
    11 and 14 September 1897, pages 4f and 5i.

    "The Badness of Goody-Goodness" is in the Register,
    13 November 1897, page 6c.

    "The Church and the Working Man" is in the Weekly Herald,
    4 and 18 February 1899, pages 8a and 8a.
    3 May 1911, page 8d.

    "Churches and Politics" is in the Register
    on 19 March 1910, page 11h:

    "The Laying on of Hands" is in the Observer,
    26 April 1884, page 34e,
    10, 17 and 24 May 1884, pages 30a, 30b-38d-39b and 25e,
    23, 28 and 30 April 1884, pages 6e, 5b-6b and 5f-7e,
    2, 3, 5, 8 and 14 May 1884, pages 6a, 4f-7a, 4g-h-6e, 6g and 5c,
    "Healing by Faith" on
    3 May 1884, page 34e.

    An editorial on spiritualistic seances is in the Advertiser,
    24 December 1884, page 4g; also see
    6 December 1884, page 13a,
    3 January 1885, page 12f.

    Faith healing is discussed in the Register,
    22 May 1884, page 7d,
    18 and 19 December 1902, pages 9h and 3g; also see
    3 May 1884, pages 5c-6b-9c-22c,
    10 and 17 May 1884, pages 5e-g and 7a.

    An editorial on the Union College is in the Advertiser,
    18 April 1885, page 4e,
    "Primitive Methodism in South Australia" on
    2 February 1886, page 6b.

    "Primitive Methodism in South Australia" is in the Advertiser,
    2 February 1886, page 6b.

    "Socialism and Christianity" is in the Register,
    9 and 14 August 1886, pages 6c and 3g.
    "Religion and Socialism" is in the Register,
    6 September 1913, page 14c.
    Also see South Australia - Politics -Socialism .

    "The Bishop and the Merchants" is in the Register,
    11, 17, 21 and 23 September 1886, pages 6b, 6h, 7h and 3g.

    The Register of 29 October 1886 at page 5a carries a report which says that, in parliament, Mr West-Erskine raised a few political eyebrows when he:

    "Church Life In SA" is in the Register,
    19 and 24 April 1888, pages 4g and 6h.

    "Versatile Pioneer of State", information on Rev J.E.T. Woods, is in The Mail,
    29 December 1928, page 2d.

    "The Ministry and the Register" is in the Register,
    24 March 1890, page 4e.

    "The Relations of the Churches to the Country" is in the Register,
    17 September 1892, page 4e,
    "The Heathen at Home" on
    4 April 1895, page 4g,
    "The Pulpit and the People" on
    11 September 1897, page 4f.

    An editorial on the Christian Endeavour Society is in the Express,
    10 October 1892, page 2g,
    22 November 1892, page 3e,
    5, 6 and 7 October 1892, pages 4f, 2h (supp.) and 4f-6a.

    "The Church and its Work" is discussed in the Advertiser,
    25 April 1894, page 4f,
    "The Churches and Social Questions" on
    11 October 1894, page 4e,
    "The State as a Teacher of Religion" on
    3 November 1894, page 4f.

    The death of the Rev James Howie is reported in the Chronicle,
    15 September 1894, page 2d,
    of Mrs James Roberts, the wife of Rev Roberts, on
    11 May 1895, page 6f,
    of Rev J. Bickford on
    22 June 1895, page 22d,
    of Rev Thomas Raston on
    25 July 1896, page 19a,
    of Rev J. Stoyed on
    8 February 1896, page 18c,
    of Canon W.H. Coombs on
    26 September 1896, page 23d,
    Rev John McBean on
    21 August 1897, page 18c.

    "The New Bishop of Adelaide" is in the Observer,
    30 March 1895, page 32b,
    "The Bishop of Adelaide" on
    6 July 1895, page 49a.

    The first Australian convention of the Christian Endeavour Union is reported in the Register,
    29 and 30 August 1895, pages 6g and 3e.

    Information on Seventh Day Adventists' conferences is in the Express,
    12 and 16 October 1896, pages 3f and 3c.

    "National Recognition of God" is in the Advertiser,
    28 April 1897, pages 4f-6h.

    "Two Veteran Christian Ministers [Lyall & Cox]" is in the Register,
    22 November 1897, pages 4d-6c.

    The retirement of Rev F.W. Cox is reported in the Observer,
    27 November 1897, page 41c and
    biographical details in the Register,
    23 January 1902, page 5c;
    an obituary is in the Express,
    29 March 1904, page 1h.

    "Wanted - Clergymen" is in the Register,
    4 December 1897, page 4g.

    "The First SA Missionary Martyr in China" is in the Observer,
    26 November 1898, page 8d,
    28 January 1899, page 29b,
    "Another South Australian Martyr [Miss M.E. Chapman]" on
    13 October 1900, page 26c,
    "Massacred Missionaries" on
    27 September 1902, page 34c,
    an obituary of Mrs A.G. Nicholls, a Chinese missionary, appears on
    17 October 1903, page 34b.

    "Mr Way's [Bible Christian] Church Reminiscences" is in the Register,
    27 October 1897, page 6e.
    The Bible Christian Church's centenary is discussed in the Observer,
    16 October 1915, page 50d.

    A correspondent to the Register on 13 November 1897 at page 6c makes some pertinent comments under the heading "The Badness of Goody-Goodness":

    For information on Rev James Rowe see Chronicle,
    8 September 1900, page 36e,
    16 February 1903, page 2c.

    "A Bible Christian Nonagenarian [James Blatchford]" is in the Register,
    3 and 30 December 1898, pages 10h and 3b.

    "Syrians for Adelaide" is in the Register,
    6 December 1898, page 5b.

    "The Rev E.K. Miller and the Anglican Church" is in the Register,
    20 May 1899, page 3h.

    "Assault by a Clergyman" is in the Register,
    6 July 1899, page 10e,
    8 July 1899, page 28e.

    For information on Rev James Rowe see Chronicle,
    8 September 1900, page 36e,
    16 February 1903, page 2c,
    16 February 1903, page 5b,
    21 February 1903, page 34d.

    "The War and the Church" is in the Advertiser,
    21 June 1901, page 7g,
    "Some Church Problems" on
    26 July 1901, page 4d,
    "Religious Unity" on
    7 October 1901, page 4c.

    Biographical details of a stalwart of the Congregational Church, Henry Savage, is in the Observer,
    11 January 1902, page 33d.

    "Christian Scientists - Alleged Remarkable Cures" is in the Advertiser,
    9 September 1902, page 6d.
    "The Faith Healing Case" on
    15 and 22 December 1902, pages 7a and 6i.

    "Clergymen as Magistrates" is in the Advertiser,
    18 November 1902, page 4b,
    "The Churches and the People" on
    3 October 1903, page 6e,
    "A Bishop on Preaching" on
    8 October 1904, page 4d.

    The reminiscences of Rev James Rowe are in the Observer,
    21 February 1903, page 34d.

    "Sunday Schools" is in the Register,
    10 July 1903, page 4c.

    "Why People Go To Church" is in the Register,
    16 July 1903, page 6d.

    "The Home of Unitarianism" is in the Register,
    17 August 1903, page 5i.

    "The Continental Sunday - Is It Coming to Adelaide?" is in the Express,
    30 January 1904, page 1g,
    "The Continental Sabbath" in the Register,
    9 May 1912, page 6f.
    Also see South Australia - Religion - Breaking the Sabbath.

    "The Dowie Disturbances" is in the Observer,
    26 March 1904, pages 27d-35a,
    2 April 1904, page 35a,
    "Dowie Scourged" is in the Chronicle,
    9 April 1904, page 34a,
    4 and 25 March 1905, pages 7d (supp.) and 35c,
    15, 22 and 29 April 1905, pages 39a, 40d and 40e,
    27 May 1905, page 21b,
    19 August 1905, page 49a,
    16 March 1907, page 41a,
    11 March 1907, page 4c (obit.).

    Biographical details of Rev Marryat are in the Register,
    6 August 1904, page 7e and
    a discussion of "Early Church Music" in SA on
    30 August 1904, page 6d; also see
    27 January 1906, page 7b.

    The reminiscences of Pastor Abbott are in the Register,
    3 December 1904, page 8g and
    his obituary on
    23 November 1908, page 5b.

    "A SA Hymn Writer [Rev W. Gray]" is in the Register,
    6 May 1904, page 4h.

    "Labour and the Church - Presbyterians on Sweating" is in the Register,
    7 May 1904, page 8g.
    "The Church and Labour" is in the Register,
    15 June 1905, page 4c.
    Also see South Australia - Politics Labo(u)r Party.

    "A Tale of Villainy, Vice and Practical Christianity", as told by J.C. Kirby, is in the Register,
    8 July 1904, page 6i,
    "Prevailing Vices" on
    22 April 1905, page 4b.

    A photograph of members of the Christian Endeavour Movement is in the Observer,
    5 March 1904, page 25.

    A discussion of "Early Church Music" in SA is in the Register,
    30 August 1904, page 6d; also see
    27 January 1906, page 7b.

    "Is Religion Declining" is in the Register,
    24 November 1904, page 6e:

    Also see Register, 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13 and 17 December 1904, pages 5b, 6c, 4a, 8a, 3e, 4h, 6c and 6c:

    "Religion in Australia" is in the Register, 7 March 1905, page 4d:

    "A Lutheran Dispute" is in the Register,
    14 June 1905, page 3i.

    The reminiscences of Canon W.B. Andrews are in the Register,
    27 June 1905, page 6d,
    The Mail,
    16 May 1914, page 8f;
    his obituary is in the Advertiser,
    4 February 1918, page 6g,
    9 February 1918, page 13b.

    Information on the British and Foreign Bible Society is in the Express,
    26 October 1905, page 4f.

    "Rev J.C. Kirby's Jubilee" is in the Register,
    21 and 22 November 1905, pages 4i and 6c-g,
    25 November 1905, page 39a;
    his retirement is reported on
    21 November 1908, page 50a;
    An interview with him is in The Mail,
    31 May 1913, page 8b;
    his reminiscences are in the Register,
    9 June 1917, page 6g
    2 August 1924, page 9d).
    His wife's obituary is in the Observer,
    24 April 1909, page 38a.

    "Religious Toleration" is discussed in the Register
    on 25, 26 and 27 October 1905, pages 4c, 3d and 6h.

    "Training of Sunday School Teachers" is in the Register,
    18 and 25 November 1905, pages 4g and 11a,
    10 February 1906, page 8h,
    "The Modern Sunday School" on
    18 May 1907, page 4e,
    "Sunday Schools" on
    4 April 1908, page 6e,
    2 July 1912, page 6d,
    "The Sunday School and Its Mission" is in the Observer,
    31 August 1907, page 50d.

    "Clergymen and Rational Dress" is in the Express,
    19 January 1906, page 1g,
    "Clergymen's Dress - Interesting Reflections" in the Register,
    6 March 1919, page 7d,
    "Pulpit Garb and Hot Weather" is in the Register,
    19 January 1906, page 5b:

    "A Pioneer Preacher", the reminiscences of Rev Joshuah Foster, is in the Register,
    30 July 1906, page 8a,
    4 August 1906, page 48a,
    17 August 1912, page 51c,
    The Mail,
    24 January 1914, page 8e;
    the golden wedding of he and his wife is reported in the Observer,
    4 August 1906, page 48d;
    an obituary is in the Register,
    16 January 1920, page 7d.

    "Clerical Poverty" is in the Register,
    6 May 1903, page 4e.
    "Poorly Paid Pastors" is in the Chronicle,
    28 September 1912, page 39d,
    "Church Stipends - No Poverty Among Clergy" is in The Mail,
    22 September 1928, page 10f.

    "A Sky Pilot - His Work in the Far North" is in the Register,
    8 May 1907, page 5c,
    11 May 1907, page 43d.

    "The Rev W.A. Potts - What Led to His Resignation" is in the Express,
    10 March 1908, page 3g.

    The reminiscences of Dr Jefferis are in the Register,
    3 and 4 May 1909, pages 5d and 7d,
    "Dr Jefferis' Remarkable Record" is in the Advertiser,
    14 December 1914, page 11d and
    an obituary on
    27 December 1917, page 5a; also see
    The Mail,
    22 March 1913, page 8e,
    19 December 1914, page 46.

    "The Churches and the Workers" is commented on by correspondents to the Advertiser on 16 October 1906, page 10f:

    "To Fill the Churches - What is Needed" is in the Register,
    24 January 1907, page 6c,
    "Adult Sunday Schools" on
    24 October 1907, page 4d,
    "Are the Churches Declining" on
    17 April 1909, page 8e,
    "A Day of Rest" on
    19 April 1909, page 4d.

    "Adelaide Hebrew Congregation - Diamond Jubilee" is in the Observer,
    26 September 1908, page 44a.
    The Jewish community is reminisced upon by Solomon Saunders in the Register,
    11 May 1918, page 6h.
    An obituary of Moses R. Brandon is in the Observer,
    4 December 1909, page 38b,
    of Rabbi Boas in the Chronicle,
    24 February 1923, page 47b,
    24 February 1923, page 35e.
    Biographical details of Solomon Saunders are in the Observer,
    18 May 1918, page 20b and
    an obituary on
    18 December 1920, page 42e.

    "Are the Churches Declining?" is in the Register,
    17 April 1909, page 8e.

    "The Modern Sunday School" is in the Register,
    7 and 8 June 1909, pages 7c and 7e.

    "Protestant Bigotry" is in the Register,
    19 and 20 July 1909, pages 10a and 6f,
    "Do You Read the Bible? Why? and Why Not?" on
    28 October 1909, page 7e,
    "Christianity in the Crucible" on
    26 February 1910, page 12c.

    "Church Problems" is in the Register,
    8 September 1909, page 6c.

    "The Quakers" is in the Register,
    2 October 1909, page 12d.

    "Sunday Schools and the Church" is in the Register,
    4 May 1910, page 10h,
    "Drunkenness on Sundays" on
    17 November 1910, pages 6c-8b.

    "Pulpit and Pugilism - Muscular Christianity and Its Uses" is in the Advertiser,
    16 July 1910, page 17e,
    "The Church and the Age" on
    18 October 1911, page 11a.

    "Peace Sunday" is in the Register,
    19 December 1910, page 9h.

    "The Clergy and Cremation" is in the Register,
    20 March 1911, page 6e.

    "Religious Conditions Today - What is Wanted" is in the Express,
    27 April 1911, page 4c.

    "Advice to Orangemen - No Compromise With Rome" is in the Register,
    10 and 11 July 1911, pages 8f and 8d.

    "Religion and Life" is in the Register,
    12 August 1911, page 12d.

    A photograph of presidents of the Baptist Union is in The Critic,
    27 September 1911, page 4.

    "Church Union" is in the Register,
    22 September 1911, page 6e,
    15 and 16 September 1919, pages 6c and 8h.

    "A Virile Christian - J.J. Virgo" is in the Register,
    12 February 1912, page 11a.

    Information on "A Pioneer Clergyman", Rev W.W. Finch, is in the Advertiser,
    11 April 1912, page 8g.

    "Seventh Day Adventists" is in the Register,
    13 and 16 April 1912, pages 9f and 8h.

    "Church and the People" is in the Register,
    6 March 1912, page 6c,
    "Fallacies of Force" on
    11 April 1913, page 6c.

    "Poorly Paid Pastors" is in the Chronicle,
    28 September 1912, page 39d,
    "Church Stipends - No Poverty Among Clergy" is in The Mail,
    22 September 1928, page 10f.

    An obituary of Ernest McLeish, of Angas Missionary College, North Adelaide, is in the Observer,
    28 December 1912, page 41a.

    Reminiscences of Sunday school work are in the Register
    on 28 June 1913, page 17a.

    "Six Days Shalt Thou Labour" - a complaint against industry intruding upon the Sabbath - appears on 27 September 1913, page 14e.

    "Sunday School Work - A Young Man's Jubilee [R.J. Lavis]" is in the Register,
    28 June 1913, page 17a,
    5 July 1913, page 49a.

    "Sweated Clergy" is in the Advertiser,
    2 October 1913, page 16d.

    An interview with Rev W.G. Marsh is in the Register,
    22 November 1913, page 8f.

    "The Church and Sport - A Race-Going Parson" is in the Register,
    23 January 1914, page 8f.

    "Religion in Modern Life" is in the Express,
    25 February 1914, page 3b.

    An obituary of a retired German missionary, J.G. Reuther, is in the Register,
    2 March 1914, page 6i.

    "Mormons in South Australia" is in the Register,
    17 and 24 April 1914, pages 6g and 5h.

    "Spiritual Healing" is in the Register on
    20 June 1914, page 14c,
    "The Church and Racing" on
    10 September 1914, page 7h,
    "Religion in Doubt" on
    3 October 1914, page 6b.

    "Christianity and the War" is in the Register,
    16 September 1915, page 6a,
    16 November 1915, page 6d,
    "War and Church" in the Advertiser,
    6 March 1915, page 14d.
    "Has the Church Failed - The War and An Awakening" is in the Register,
    20 September 1916, page 7d.
    "Churches and the War" is in the Register,
    3 January 1917, page 6d,
    "The Church and Social Sins" on
    19 April 1917, page 7e,
    "The Religious Outlook" on
    6 October 1917, page 6b.
    Also see South Australia - World War I - Religion.

    "Bible Christian Centenary" is in the Register,
    9 October 1915, page 9a.

    "Is Christianity Advancing" is in the Register,
    19 February 1916, page 8b,
    "Empty Churches Problem" on
    22 April 1916, page 4f,
    "Church and Nation" on
    19 July 1916, page 6b.

    "Historic Bells in SA" is in the Register,
    30 May 1916, page 4d,
    2 June 1916, page 7a,
    3 and 10 June 1916, pages 29e and 29c.
    "Church Bells of South Australia" is in the Chronicle,
    9 May 1929, page 48c.

    "Why Men Go to Church" is in the Advertiser,
    2 March 1917, page 9g.

    An interview with Rev J.C. Kirby is in The Mail,
    31 May 1913, page 8b;
    his reminiscences are in the Register,
    9 June 1917, page 6g
    2 August 1924, page 9d) and
    of Rev Robert Mitchell on
    11 February 1922, Rev T. Piper on
    5 February 1925, page 10f,
    obituary of Archdeacon Samwell on
    8 April 1925, page 8i and
    Rev S. Fairey on
    25 August 1926, page 11d.

    "The Church and Sexual Sins" is in the Register,
    19 April 1917, page 7e.
    "Christianity and Sex" is in the Register,
    17 May 1927, page 12h.

    "A Call to the Church" is in the Register,
    16 October 1917, page 4c.

    "Clergymen's Dress - Interesting Reflections" is in the Register,
    6 March 1919, page 7d.

    "Public Worship and Apathy" is in the Register,
    2 March 1921, page 7d.

    "Church and State" is in the Register,
    6 September 1921, page 4c.

    "The Church and Society" is in the Register,
    19 October 1921, page 6e.

    The reminiscences of Rev Robert Mitchell are in the Register,
    11 February 1922;
    his jubilee is reported in the Observer,
    18 February 1922, page 42d.

    The reminiscences of Rev T. Piper are in the Register,
    5 February 1925, page 10f.

    "A Suspended Minister - A Claim for Justice" is in the Express,
    1 July 1918, page 3d.

    The reminiscences of Rev O. Lake commence in the Observer,
    10 January 1920, page 43b;
    an obituary appears on
    16 September 1922, page 9d.

    The Jewish community is reminisced upon by Solomon Saunders in the Register,
    11 May 1918, page 6h.
    An obituary of Rabbi Boas is in the Chronicle,
    24 February 1923, page 47b.

    "Church Union" is in the Register on
    19 September 1918, page 4b and
    15 and 16 September 1919, pages 6c and 5h,
    2 March 1920, page 6c,
    23, 28 and 31 August 1920, pages 7a, 10c and 3f,
    30 and 31 May 1922, pages 8c and 7f,
    4 January 1923, page 7g.

    "Militant Christianity" is in the Register,
    15 March 1919, page 6b,
    "Old-Time Clergy" on
    3 September 1919, page 9b.

    "The Church and the People" is in the Advertiser,
    2 September 1919, page 6e.

    "The Synod and Prohibition" is in the Register,
    18, 21, 22, 24 and 27 September 1920, pages 6a, 9e, 9d, 9f and 6i.

    Spiritualism is discussed in the Register,
    2 and 4 October 1920, pages 8d and 9d,
    "Piety and Poverty" on
    1 February 1921, page 4c.

    "Church and the People - Public Worship and Apathy" is in the Register,
    2, 4, 10 and 16 March 1921, pages 7d, 3f, 8b and 10d,
    "Lutheran Commonsense" on
    19 March 1921, page 8e.

    "Men and Churchgoing" is in the Advertiser,
    13 May 1921, page 8g.

    "Christianity at Bay" is in the Register,
    26 March 1921, page 6d,
    "Is the World Becoming More Wicked" on
    14 May 1921, page 6d,
    "The Church and Society" on
    19 October 1921, page 6e.

    The reminiscences of Rev F. Slaney Poole are in the Register,
    1 September 1921, page 7a,
    "Christianity and Workers" on
    10 and 23 May 1922, pages 9g and 4e,
    "The Bishop and the Church" on
    6 and 30 September 1922, pages 6c and 8c.

    Rev Robert Mitchell's jubilee is reported in the Observer,
    18 February 1922, page 42d.

    "Christianity and Workers" is in the Register,
    10 and 23 May 1922, pages 9g and 4e,
    "The Bishop and the Church" on
    6 and 30 September 1922, pages 6c and 8c.

    "A Pioneer Preacher", an interview with Dr T. Porter, is in the Observer,
    30 September 1922, page 51b.

    "Will Churches Unite" is in The Mail,
    10 February 1923, page 7a.

    "The Church in Modern Life" is in the Advertiser,
    10 February 1923, page 13a,
    "Morality and Religion" on
    10 March 1923, page 12e.

    "The Mormons - Religion With a Past" is in The Mail,
    8 July 1922, page 2d; also see
    25 November 1922, page 2g.

    "Our Clergyman's Wife" is in the Register,
    6 and 8 March 1923, pages 7a and 12b,
    "Spiritual Healing" on
    20 March 1923, page 12d,
    25 April 1923, page 13c,
    "Christianity and Criticism" on
    29 May 1923, page 8c.

    "The Church and Social Progress" is in the Advertiser,
    1 September 1923, page 13a,
    "The Church and the World" on
    5 September 1923, page 8g.

    "The Church and the Times" is in the Register,
    5 September 1923, page 8c,
    "Immigration and the Churches" on
    19 and 20 October 1923, pages 11c and 8g,
    2 and 7 November 1923, pages 11c and 11c.

    "Sunday Observance" is in the Register,
    28 June 1924, page 8e,
    5 July 1924, page 57c.

    "Cinema in Adelaide Churches" is in The Mail,
    9 August 1924, page 10f,
    "Films May Brighten Religious Services" on
    7 September 1929, page 2d,
    "Motion Pictures and the Church" in the Advertiser,
    7 March 1929, page 19a.

    "Religion and the Churches" is in the Advertiser,
    3 September 1924, page 8h.

    "Clerical Conditions of Long Ago" are related in the Register on
    3 and 12 September 1924, pages 11h and 21b,
    "The Church and the World" on
    2 September 1924, pages 8d-9e,
    "Lay Theology" on
    8 November 1924, page 8c,
    "Church and Wireless" on
    7 September 1925, page 14a.

    The reminiscences of Rev Thomas Piper are in the Observer,
    14 February 1925, page 17c.

    "How to Get Adults to Church" is in The News,
    3 March 1925, page 1c,
    "Why People Do Not Go To Church" in The News,
    1 September 1925, page 1b.

    "Training Clergymen - Methods and Salaries" is in The News,
    13 April 1925, page 7f.

    "A Revered Memory - Adelaide's Second Dean" is in the Register,
    2 January 1926, page 10d,
    "Maughan Church and Methodist Union" on
    2 and 4 January 1926, pages 12e and 13d,
    "Sunday Observance" on
    13 February 1926, page 8f,
    "Annuitant Clergy" on
    11 May 1926, page 8e.
    "Maughan Church and Methodist Union" on
    2 January 1926, page 12e.

    "The Sunday School Today" is in the Register,
    23 February 1926, page 4d.

    "The Clergy Annuity Fund - An Appeal to the Church" is in the Register,
    30 March 1926, page 12f,
    6 and 24 April 1926, pages 5d and 9a,
    11 May 1926, page 8e.

    "Church or Garden? - Sunday Morning in Suburbs" is in The News,
    21 April 1926, page 6e.

    A lecture on Christian Science is reproduced in the Advertiser,
    11 October 1926, page 10d.
    "Christian Science - Progressive Christianity" is in The News,
    3 October 1927, page 9b.

    "Injunction Against 5CL - A Demand From Churches" is in the Register,
    21 and 22 July 1926, pages 12e and 15c,

    "A Militant Church [Baptist]" is in the Register,
    21 September 1926, page 8d.

    "Character Reading Clergyman - Selects Sweethearts; Picks Vocations" is in The Mail,
    23 October 1926, page 1c.

    "Years of Missionary Life - Mrs Louise Homann" is in the Observer,
    30 July 1927, page 60a.

    "A Pioneer Minister - Rev John Dingle" is in the Advertiser,
    15 September 1927, page 18c.

    "Christian Science - Progressive Christianity" is in The News,
    3 October 1927, page 9b.

    "Challenge to the Church" is in the Register,
    27 March 1928, page 8d.

    "Churches and the Unemployed" is in the Advertiser,
    12 November 1927, page 16c,
    "Churches and the Business Man" on
    7 July 1928, page 12h.

    "An Outback Missioner [Reg Williams]" is in the Register,
    20 July 1928, page 19f,
    4 August 1928, page 15d,
    28 July 1928, page 51c.

    "Sunday Observance - Opposition to Sport" is in the Register,
    7 September 1928, page 15a,
    14 and 20 November 1928, pages 8e and 8h.
    Also see South Australia - Religion - Breaking the Sabbath.

    A history of the Smith of Dunesk Mission is in the Observer,
    2 March 1929, page 50d.

    "Hats and Coats Off in Church" is in the Advertiser,
    1 March 1929, page 30f.

    "Church Bells of South Australia" is in the Chronicle,
    9 May 1929, page 48c.

    "North Terrace Ruins a Monument to Paul Joseph's Folly - Weeds Flourish Where Temple Was to Soar" is in The Mail,
    8 June 1929, page 16.

    Information on the Latter Day Saints is in the Advertiser,
    10 September 1929, page 16e.

    "Canon Poole - A Rare Anniversary" is in the Advertiser,
    23 December 1929, page 14g.

    Biographical information on Rev John Blacket is in The News,
    27 October 1930, page 6e.

    "Blind Preacher - Work of Mr Samuels" is in The News,
    3 November 1930, page 4f.

    "Shortage of Clergy is Church Peril" is in The News,
    1 January 1931, page 6a,
    "Don't Envy Clergymen" on
    31 October 1931, page 4d,
    "Cheerier Religion Wanted" on
    21 April 1932, page 8d.

    "Church and Moral Problems" is in the Advertiser,
    2 September 1930, page 8h,
    "Sunday School by Compulsion" on
    19 April 1932, page 14e,
    "Social Changes and the Church" on
    16 May 1936, page 25d.

    Religion - Obituaries & Biographies


    An obituary of Rev Ingram is in the Advertiser, 3 and 5 September 1859, pages 2e and 3e.

    An obituary of Rev Ephraim Evans is in the Register,
    15 April 1863, page 2h,
    of Rev C. Colwell on
    24 and 30 October 1865, pages 2h and 2h.

    An obituary of Rev D.J. Draper is in the Chronicle,
    31 March 1866, page 2d,
    of Rev R.W. Needham in the Register,
    11 December 1866, page 3f.

    An obituary of Rev J. Kelsey is in the Register, 7 September 1867, page 2e.

    An obituary of Archdeacon Twopeny is in the Register,
    4 November 1869, page 2d.
    of Rev W. Whitefield on
    8 November 1871, page 5f.

    The obituary of Rev George Stonehouse is in the Register,
    25 July 1871, page 5a,
    29 July 1871, page 12f.

    An obituary of Rev S. Keen is in the Register,
    10 July 1871, page 5b,
    of Rev D.J.H. Ibbetsen on
    12 August 1871, page 5a.

    An obituary of Rev. Ralph Drummond is in the Observer,
    4 May 1872, page 15c,
    of Rev James Roddick in the Register,
    3 December 1872, page 5b.

    Obituaries of Rev W.W. Ewbank and Rev Thomas Playford are in the Register,
    19 September 1873, page 5d; also see
    5 November 1873, page 7d in respect of the latter gentleman.

    An obituary of Mrs Silas Mead is in the Register, 18 June 1874, page 4f.

    An obituary of Rev Robert Haining is in the Express,
    27 April 1874, page 2c,
    of Rev. C.W. Evan on
    11 October 1876, page 2b,
    14 and 21 October 1876, pages 8a and 20a,
    of Mrs Jessie Haining in the Register,
    18 July 1890, page 5b.

    An obituary of Rev James Ashton is in the Register,
    15 December 1874, page 5b,
    of Mrs Elizabeth Ingram, wife of Rev W. Ingram, on
    19 July 1875, page 5d,
    of Rev A.P. Fulton on
    25 January 1876, page 5d,
    of Rev M. Wilson on
    31 January 1876, page 5e.

    An obituary of Rev M.H. Hodge is in the Observer,
    20 January 1877, page 12b,
    of Rev P. McLaren is in the Express,
    9 July 1878, page 3b,
    5 August 1878, page 2c,
    of Rev James Pollitt in the Observer,
    20 August 1881, page 33b,
    of Rev G.W. Patchell in the Chronicle,
    27 January 1883, page 4c.

    An obituary of Rev M.M. Dick is in the Register, 21 February 1880, page 2e (supp.), 4g.

    An obituary of Rev Edward Baker is in the Register,
    27 January 1885, page 5c,
    of Rev T.W. Harding on
    30 October 1893, page 5c,
    of Rev E.G. Day on
    14 November 1893, page 6h.

    An obituary of Rev C.G. Taplin is in the Register, 25 July 1887, page 5a.

    An obituary of Rev W,V. Smith is in the Register,
    12 August 1889, page 5b,
    of J.C. McMichael, Congregational layman, on
    10 September 1889, page 5a,
    of Rev Hugh Gilmore on
    24 October 1891, pages 4g-5g,
    of Rev Charles Hall in the Observer,
    21 January 1893, page 32a,
    Express,19 January 1893, page 3d.
    of Rev C.W. Schurmann on
    11 March 1893, page 30d,
    of Rev E.G. Day on
    18 November 1893, page 28e,
    of Rev J.C. McMichael on
    12 February 1898, page 32c,
    of Rev W.S. Moore on
    27 July 1901, page 30c.

    An obituary of Rev Hugh Gilmour is in the Observer,
    31 October 1891, page 33a,
    7 November 1891, page 6a,
    of Rev Charles Hall in the Register,
    19 January 1893, page 5d,
    19 January 1893, page 3d,
    of Rev Joseph Berry in the Observer,
    29 April 1893, page 39d,
    of Rev S.L. Harris on
    27 January 1894, page 29e,
    of Rev John McEwin on
    12 May 1894, page 31d,
    of Rev William Wilson on
    12 January 1895, page 30a,
    of Rev John L. Davies on
    11 July 1896, page 15e,
    of Rev J.G. Pitcher on
    6 October 1900, page 45e.

    An obituary of a Lutheran pastor, J.C. Maschmidt, is in the Observer,
    12 September 1891, page 30b,
    of Rev W. R. Fletcher in the Register,
    6 June 1894, page 7c,
    6 June 1894, page 3d,
    of Rev B.C. Stephenson in the Register,
    31 July 1894, page 6b,
    of Rev James Bickford in the Observer,
    22 June 1895, page 31a,
    of Rev R.J. Daddow on
    11 April 1896, page 14d,
    28 June 1927, page 11e (obit.),
    of Archdeacon G.H. Farr on
    13 February 1904, page 34a.

    An obituary of Rev C.W. Schurmann is in the Register,
    4 March 1893, page 5d,
    of Rev John McEwin on
    10 May 1894, page 5a,
    of Rev E. Scrisbrick on
    15 May 1894, page 7b,
    of Rev William Wilson on
    10 January 1895, page 5a.

    An obituary of Mrs Thomas, wife of Rev P.C. Thomas, is in the Register,
    26 June 1901, page 5c,
    of Mrs Goodwin, wife of Rev John Goodwin, on
    29 August 1901, page 5a.

    An obituary of Rev C. Manthorpe is in the Express, 7 December 1898, page 3e.

    An obituary of Rev John Gardner is in the Observer,
    27 May 1899, page 44a,
    of Mrs S.H. Taylor, wife of Rev Robert Taylor, on
    23 August 1902, page 35a,
    of Archdeacon French on
    12 September 1903, page 34d,
    of Canon Dodd on
    3 March 1906, page 38c,
    of Rev F.J. Steward on
    7 April 1906, page 37e,
    of Rev J.C. Woods on
    19 May 1906, page 38a,
    of Rev Joseph Berry on
    13 July 1907, page 40d,
    of Rev Thomas Hillman on
    3 August 1907, page 40b,
    of Rev J.M. Howie on
    28 September 1907, page 40c,
    of Rev John Price on
    4 July 1908, page 40a,
    of Rev E.J. Eitel on
    14 November 1908, page 41,
    of Canon H.M. Pollitt on
    12 December 1908, page 40e.

    An obituary of Rev John Benbow is in the Register, 9 April 1901, page 4h.

    An obituary of Archdeacon Morse is in the Chronicle,
    3 August 1901, page 36d,
    of Pastor Henry Hussey in the Observer,
    16 May 1903, page 43a,
    of Archdeacon G.H. Farr on
    13 February 1904, page 33b and
    of Rev J. Cowperthwaite on
    5 March 1904, page 35d,
    of Mrs James Lyall on
    25 October 1902, page 34c,
    of Rev J.S. Wayland on
    23 January 1904, page 34d,
    of Revs J. Cowperthwaite and C. Tresise on
    5 March 1904, page 36a-b,
    of Canon Green on
    30 July 1904, page 35a,
    of Rev J.A. Cornes on
    10 September 1904, page 38e.

    An obituary of Archdeacon French is in the Register, 5 September 1903, page 7b.

    An obituary of Rev J.W. Owen is in the Observer,
    25 March 1905, page 34e,
    of Rev W.T. Penrose on
    10 June 1905, page 34c,
    of Rev James Allen on
    11 November 1905, page 38c,
    (also seeChronicle,
    11 November 1905, page 37e),
    of Rev J.C. Auricht on
    16 February 1907, page 40d,
    of Rev Dr D. Paton on
    23 February 1907, page 41b.

    An obituary of Rev David Paton is in the Chronicle,
    16 February 1907, page 40e,
    Rev Thomas Hillmann in the Express,
    2 August 1907, page 1e,
    Rev Johann C. Auricht in the Observer,
    16 February 1907, page 40d,
    Rev Thomas Lloyd on
    14 March 1908, page 40d,
    Canon Hopcraft in the Chronicle,
    13 June 1908, page 44b,
    Canon Pollitt on
    12 December 1908, page 45c,
    Rev James Sunter on
    17 July 1909, page 43b,
    Canon Honner on
    18 September 1909, page 43b,
    Rev R.A. Caldwell on
    23 October 1909, page 43d,
    Rev C. Lane on
    15 January 1910, page 43b,
    Rev James Benny on
    7 May 1910, page 44c,
    Canon Webb on
    18 February 1911, page 43c,
    Rev T.B. Angwin on
    17 May 1913, page 42b,
    Archdeacon G. Dove on
    9 May 1914, page 42d,
    Rev W.T. Wiltshire on
    11 April 1925, page 56c.

    An obituary of Rev J.P. Niquet is in the Observer,
    18 April 1903, page 26a,
    of Rev W.H. Mudie on
    18 July 1903, page 34c,
    of Rev J.C. Woods on
    19 May 1906, page 38a,
    (also see Chronicle19 May 1906, page 41d),
    of Rev Henry Chester on
    24 October 1908, page 40d,
    of Rev R.S. Casely on
    31 August 1912, page 42a.

    An obituary of Rev James Henderson is in the Observer,
    22 April 1905, page 31e,
    of Rev James Gordon on
    10 June 1905, page 34d,
    of a negro lay preacher, Vaules A. Wordie, on
    4 January 1908, page 38a.

    An obituary of Rev James Allen is in the Chronicle,
    11 November 1905, page 37e,
    of Rev J.C. Woods on
    19 May 1906, page 41d.

    An obituary of Rev David Paton is in the Chronicle,
    16 February 1907, page 40e,
    Rev Thomas Hillmann in the Express,
    2 August 1907, page 1e,
    Rev Johann C. Auricht in the Observer,
    16 February 1907, page 40d.

    An obituary Rev Thomas Lloyd is in the Observer,
    14 March 1908, page 40d,
    Canon Hopcraft in the Chronicle,
    13 June 1908, page 44b,
    Canon Pollitt in the Observer,
    12 December 1908, page 45c,
    Rev James Sunter in the Chronicle,
    17 July 1909, page 43b,
    Canon Honner on
    18 September 1909, page 43b,
    Rev R.A. Caldwell on
    23 October 1909, page 43d.
    An obituary of Rev James Burchett is in the Register,
    20 February 1908, page 5a,
    of Rev John Price on
    27 June 1908, page 9c.

    An obituary of Dr Ernst J. Eitel, Lutheran pastor, is in the Register,
    11 November 1908, page 7c; also see
    9 February 1909, page 4h.

    An obituary of Rev Matthew Johnson is in the Observer,
    13 March 1909, page 40a,
    of Rev T.R. Caust on
    10 April 1909, page 38b,
    of the lay preacher, John Lavis, on
    8 May 1909, page 38a,
    of lay preacher, N.J. Hone, on
    31 July 1909, page 40a,
    of Rev Thomas Kyte on
    7 August 1909, page 40a,
    of Canon Alfred Honner on
    18 September 1909, page 40a,
    of Rev Silas Mead on
    18 September 1909, page 40b,
    of Rev F.F. Medcalf on
    18 September 1909, page 40b,
    of Rev W.B. Mather on
    30 October 1909, page 40a,
    of Rev W.H. Newbould on
    6 November 1909, page 40b,
    of Rev J.R. Fergusson on
    18 December 1909, page 34a.

    An obituary of Rev James Sunter is in the Register, 12 July 1909, page 7a.

    An obituary Rev C. Lane is in the Observer,
    15 January 1910, page 43b,
    Rev James Benny in the Chronicle,
    7 May 1910, page 44c,
    Canon Webb in the Observer,
    18 February 1911, page 43c,
    Rev T.B. Angwin in the Observer,
    17 May 1913, page 42b,
    Archdeacon G. Dove on
    9 May 1914, page 39c (also see
    27 August 1910, page 39c),
    Rev W.T. Wiltshire on
    11 April 1925, page 56c.

    An obituary of Rev Charles Lane is in the Observer,
    15 January 1910, page 38a,
    of Rev A.C. Sutherland on
    22 October 1910, page 41b,
    of Rev J.H. Trevorrow on
    25 March 1911, page 41a,
    of Rev C.T. Newman on
    26 August 1911, page 41a,
    of Rev Isaac Perry on
    9 December 1911, page 41a,
    of Rev T. Blackburn on
    25 May 1912, page 41a,
    of Rev Thomas James on
    1 June 1912, page 41b,
    of Rev C.H. Goldsmith on
    29 June 1912, page 41d,
    of Rev R. Thompson on
    21 December 1912, page 41c,
    of Rev W.A. Moore on
    16 November 1912, page 41a.

    An obituary of Rev A.C. Sutherland is in the Express,
    17 October 1910, page 1d,
    of Rev E.K. Miller in the Observer,
    20 May 1911, page 38b,
    Rev C.H. Goldsmith on
    29 June 1912, page 41d,
    Rev Joseph Hancock on
    12 April 1913, page 25e,
    Rev T.E. Keen on
    27 December 1913, page 41d,
    Rev J.D. Langsford in the Chronicle,
    8 May 1915, page 16d,
    of Rev R. Lang on
    12 February 1920, page 1e.

    An obituary of Rev James Haslam is in the Register,
    8 September 1910, page 6h,
    of Rev Thomas Edmeades on
    1 July 1911, page 15c.

    An obituary of Rev A.C. Sutherland is in the Express,
    17 October 1910, page 1d,
    of Rev E.K. Miller in the Observer,
    20 May 1911, page 38b,
    Rev C.H. Goldsmith on
    29 June 1912, page 41d,
    Rev T.E. Keen on
    27 December 1913, page 41d,
    Rev J.D. Langsford in the Chronicle,
    8 May 1915, page 16d,
    of Rev R. Lang on
    12 February 1920, page 1e.

    An obituary of Rev E.T. Dunstan is in the Observer,
    1 March 1913, page 41b,
    of Rev Joseph Hancock on
    12 April 1913, page 25e,
    of Rev S.J. Batten on
    26 April 1913, page 41a,
    of Rev T.R. Angwin on
    17 May 1913, page 41b,
    of Rev W.J. Kuhn on
    14 and 21 June 1913, pages 41b and 41b,
    of Rev Dr N.A. Ross on
    2 August 1913, page 41b,
    of Rev T.E. Keen on
    27 December 1913, page 41d.,
    of Rev Arthur Cunningham on
    7 November 1914, page 42a,
    of Rev J.E. Hansen on
    15 May 1915, page 46a,
    of Pastor D.A. Ewers on
    27 November 1915, page 46b.

    An obituary of Pastor R.K. Finlayson is in the Register,
    28 March 1916, page 4f,
    28 March 1916, page 4g.

    An obituary of Pastor R.K. Finlayson is in the Observer,
    1 April 1916, page 32d,
    of Rev A.J. Clarke on
    22 April 1916, page 19e,
    of Rev J.H.S. Williams on
    8 July 1916, page 19c,
    of Pasor E. Dorsch on
    7 October 1916, page 35a,
    of Rev Thomas Hope on
    25 November 1916, page 21b,
    of Rev H.C. Farley on
    3 February 1917, page 13c,
    of Rev G.C. Lowe on
    12 May 1917, page 30c,
    of Rev John Gillingham on
    16 June 1917, page 33d,
    of Rev Frank Sewell on
    24 November 1917, page 40a,
    of Pastor L.W. Baker on
    18 January 1919, page 18e,
    of Rev Richard Woolcock on
    20 September 1919, page 21a,
    of Rev T. Ward on
    13 December 1919, page 27e.

    An obituary of Rev H.J. Parkinson is in the Observer,
    17 April 1920, page 19b,
    of Rev Samuel Lenton on
    29 May 1920, page 12a,
    of Rev D.S. Wylie on
    29 May 1920, page 12c,
    of F.W. Wilkinson on
    11 December 1920, page 28b,
    of Rev Alexander Macully on
    15 January 1921, page 34b,
    of Rev J. Chapman on
    29 January 1921, page 34b,
    of Rev W.A. Winter on
    12 February 1921, page 34a,
    of Rev W. Jeffries on
    31 December 1921, page 21d. (Also see
    3 March 1903, page 5b).

    An obituary of Monsignor Nevin is in the Express,
    1 September 1920, page 2d.

    An obituary of Rev H.H. Robjohns is in the Observer,
    1 April 1922, page 31b,
    of Rev Thomas McNeil on
    29 April 1922, page 19a,
    of Rev O. Lake on
    16 September 1922, page 9d,
    of Archdeacon Hornabrook on
    30 September 1922, page 16c,
    of Rev P.C. Thomas on
    10 February 1923, page 35a,
    of Rev C.J.H. Gent on
    10 March 1923, page 33c,
    of Rev R.C. Yeoman on
    14 April 1923, page 35c,
    of Pastor T.J. Gore on
    7 July 1923, page 34d,
    of Rev Henry Coombs on
    18 August 1923, page 39a,
    of Rev Samuel Rossiter on
    5 January 1924, page 43a,
    of Rev Alfred Carne on
    5 January 1924, page 43b.

    An obituary of Canon Hornabrook is in the Observer,
    30 September 1922, page 16c,
    of Rev Dr H.T. Burgess on
    24 November 1923, page 39c
    (his wife's is in the Observer,
    6 April 1907, page 38c),
    20 November 1923, page 13e.

    An obituary of Rev F. Webb is in the Observer,
    14 March 1925, page 27b,
    of Archdeacon Samwell on
    11 April 1925, page 45c,
    of Rev W.T. Willshire on
    11 April 1925, page 45c,
    of J.S. Moyse on
    30 May 1925, page 43a,
    of Rev Henry Holmes on
    4 July 1925, page 45b,
    of Rev John Murray on
    1 July 1925, page 38e,
    of Rev F.J.H. Steward on
    12 June 1926, page 44a,
    of Rev Samuel Fairey on
    28 August 1926, page 38d,
    of Rev A.G. Fry on
    2 October 1926, page 20d,
    of Rev E.W. Sanders on
    2 October 1926, page 36c,
    of Rev G.E. Rowe on
    6 November 1926, page 7c.

    An obituary of Archdeacon Samwell is in the Register,
    8 April 1925, page 8i and
    Rev S. Fairey on
    25 August 1926, page 11d,
    of Rev Robert Kenny on
    2 July 1926, page 8h,
    of Rev W.F. Wehrstedt on
    18 and 19 February 1927, pages 10b and 14b.

    An obituary of Rev Hartley Williams is in the Observer,
    22 January 1927, page 27a,
    of Rev John Watts on
    5 February 1927, page 39a,
    of Rev W.F. Wehrstedt on
    26 February 1927, page 59c,
    of Rev R.J. Daddow on
    2 July 1927, page 44a,
    of Canon W.A. Swan on
    22 October 1927, page 32a,
    of Rev E.W.M. Hines on
    12 November 1927, page 46a,
    of Rev J.H. Williams on
    10 March 1928, page 49a,
    of Rev William Cooke on
    4 August 1928, page 49d,
    of Rev C.R. Williams on
    27 October 1928, page 50a,
    of Rev W.G. Marsh on
    1 February 1930, page 17c.

    An obituary of Rev Isaac Rooney is in the Chronicle, 30 July 1931, page 19a.


    Biographical details of Rev J.G. Wright are in the Observer, 16 May 1891, page 29e.

    Biographical details of Robert Knowles, President of the SA Sunday School Union, are in the Observer,
    19 October 1895, page 41d,
    of J. Delehanty on
    10 November 1900, page 16a.

    Biographical details of Rev Dr Paton are in the Observer,
    30 October 1897, page 16b,
    of Rev James Lyall on
    20 November 1897, page 16a
    (obit. on
    16 September 1905, page 38d),
    of Rev F.W. Cox on
    27 November 1897, page 41c,
    of Rev William Langsford on
    2 April 1898, page 16a,
    of Rev H.T. Burgess on
    2 July 1898, page 16a,
    of Rev John Lloyd on
    15 October 1898, page 16a,
    of Rev James Gordon on
    18 March 1899, page 16a,
    of Rev John Thorne on
    25 March 1899, page 14e,
    of Rev Robert McCullough on
    24 November 1900, page 16d,
    of Rev Dr. Paton on
    7 September 1901, page 33a.

    Biographical details of "A Worthy Rabbi", Rev A.T. Boas, are in the Observer,
    23 February 1895, page 13c,
    28 November 1914, page 34c,
    of Rev W.T. Penrose on
    23 March 1895, page 16d,
    of Rev Silas Mead on
    7 September 1895, page 16d,
    of Rev W.H. Lewis on
    27 April 1901, page 16d.

    Biographical details of Rev J.C. Woods are in the Register,
    8 August 1887, page 5a,
    of Canon Poole in the Observer,
    24 August 1895, page 16d.
    An interview with Canon Poole is in The Mail,
    25 October 1913, page 8e.
    The reminiscences of Rev F. Slaney Poole are in the Register,
    1 September 1921, page 7a,
    "Canon Poole - A Rare Anniversary" is in the Advertiser,
    23 December 1929, page 14g.

    Biographical details of J.H. Sinclair, President of the Christian Endeavour Movement, are in the Observer,
    10 September 1898, page 13c,
    of H.H. McKechnie, secretary, in the Register,
    4 September 1899, page 5c,
    of Rev T. Hillman in the Observer,
    11 February 1899, page 29c,
    of Rev A.J. Burt on
    2 September 1899, page 16a,
    of Rev Charles Hodge on
    6 July 1907, page 45b,
    of Rev Isaac Rooney on
    29 February 1908, page 31d.

    Biographical details of Rev Charles Martin are in the Register,
    22 February 1900, page 7f,
    of Rev W.H. Lewis on
    22 April 1901, page 5a.

    Biographical details of Pastor Abbott are in the Observer,
    20 October 1900, page 16a,
    his reminiscences in the Register,
    3 December 1904, page 8g and
    an obituary on
    23 November 1908, page 5b.

    Biographical details of Rev George Rayner are in the Register, 22 October 1900, page 5b.

    Biographical details of Rev Marryat are in the Register,
    6 August 1904, page 7e,
    of Canon W.B. Andrews in the Observer,
    1 July 1905, page 40a.

    Biographical details of Rev James Mursell are in the Observer, 8 April 1905, page 24d.

    Biographical details of Rev W.M. Grant are in the Register,
    10 October 1905, page 4c,
    of Archdeacon Dove in the Observer,
    16 June 1906, page 41a.

    Biographical details of Rev J.H. Sexton are in the Register,
    22 September 1906, page 7a,
    of Rev D.A. Kerr on
    29 January 1907, page 4h.

    Biographical details on Rev Albert Stubbs are in the Register,
    13 April 1907, page 7c,
    of Rev G. Davidson on
    7 May 1907, page 5b.

    Biographical details of Rev Leonard Robjohns are in the Register,
    16 October 1907, page 7a,
    of Rev Vivian Roberts on
    28 February 1911, page 6g,
    of Rev E.S. Kiek in the Observer,
    20 October 1928, page 34a.

    Biographical details of Rev Joseph Hancock are in the Register,
    14 February 1911, page 7a;
    an obituary is in the Observer,
    12 April 1913, page 25e.

    Biographical details of F.E. Cornish, Vice-President of the Congregational Union, are in the Register,
    18 October 1911, page 6f,
    of Rev W. Hawke on
    1 October 1914, page 6g,
    of Rev J.G. Jenkin on
    5 March 1921, page 8h.

    Biographical details of A.E. Illingworth, President of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ, are in the Register,
    13 September 1916, page 6g,
    of A.A. Brice, Vice-President of the SA Baptist Union, on
    21 September 1916, page 4g,
    15 September 1917, page 4f,
    of Rev Thomas Piper on
    5 February 1924, page 8f,
    of Rev John Benker on
    31 October 1925, page 12d.

    Biographical details of Rev Thomas Piper is in the Observer,
    10 February 1917, page 30c,
    of Rev Canon Hornabrook on
    12 January 1918, page 28b,
    of Rev J.G. Jenkin on
    12 March 1921, page 32d,
    of Rev Thomas Piper on
    14 February 1925, page 17c,
    of Rev John Beuker on
    7 November 1925, page 59c,
    of Rev W.S. Milne on
    12 February 1927, page 30e,
    of Rev E. Gratton on
    18 February 1928, page 11a.

    Biographical information on Rev John Blacket is in the Register,
    28 February 1922, page 4h,
    The News,
    27 October 1930, page 6e.

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