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Playing games from the past and getting 'board' in a fun way. Download our printable board games and find fun ways to engage with South Australian history and our collection.
Did you know that the State Library holds a collection of historical board games that tell stories about people, places and events in South Australia’s history?
Play these historic games to travel back in time over 100 years. Elements of this program have been co-designed with children, for children, to provide relevant learning experiences that effectively engage learners.
Sir Ross Smith Aeroplane Race - A4 (PDF 1.2MB)
Sir Ross Smith Aeroplane Race - A3 (PDF 2.0MB)
A Motor Ride - A4 (PDF 1.4MB)
A Motor Ride - A3 (PDF 2.6MB)
Antarctica - A4 (PDF 1.2MB)
Antarctica - A3 (PDF 2.3MB)
Around the Commonwealth - A4 (PDF 1.3MB)
Around the Commonwealth - A3 (PDF 2.2MB)
National Football Game - A4 (PDF 1.2MB)
National Football Game - A3 (PDF 2.0MB)
Race to Gold Diggings - A4 (PDF 1.8MB)
Race to Gold Diggings - A3 (PDF 3.3MB)