Public holiday closure, Monday 10 March 2025
This Service Charter tells you about the standards of service you can expect. It also explains what you can do if you are not satisfied with the quality of service you receive.
We are committed to providing excellent customer service. We want to provide friendly, helpful and professional service every time you make contact with us. We also want to make our collections, information and services accessible to all South Australians, whether using the State Library in person, by phone or online. We will review and update this Service Charter in November each year.
Whenever you contact us by phone, online or visit us you are entitled to know the name of the person who assisted with your enquiry. In situations where your questions or enquiries cannot be answered on-the-spot, we will give you an indication of how long it will take to provide a response. If for any reason we are unable to help, we will do our best to tell you who can.
The State Library provides access to a wide range of South Australian heritage items and unique material. Much of our collection is rare and highly valued both in monetary terms and as an integral part of the cultural heritage of South Australia. In many cases, we have the only copy of items anywhere in the world. We are charged by an Act of Parliament to preserve such items. Procedures have been developed which safeguard access to this material to ensure our collection can be preserved for future generations.
We aim to answer phone calls at service points promptly, in person. If lines are busy then calls will transfer to our automatic answering facilities. A dedicated phone service is staffed 10am-5pm Monday-Friday. After hours and on weekends, staff may not have time to spend on in-depth enquiries over the phone, but your enquiry will be taken and answered as soon as possible.
We aim to acknowledge all correspondence within five working days of receipt, by phone, fax, email or letter. If the matter is complex and cannot be resolved within 10 days, or more information is required, we will keep you up-to-date with our progress.
Our staff will answer your questions and assist you, where possible, with the resolution of any problems you experience.
If a problem cannot be resolved on-the-spot by library staff at the Information Desk, then you will be asked to complete a Tell Us What You Think feedback form.
Alternatively, you can write to the Director, and you will receive a response within five working days:
Director, State Library
GPO Box 419
Adelaide SA 5001
Feedback about our services is very important to us.
We like to hear when we are doing things well and we're also interested to hear your suggestions for improvement. We acknowledge all contacts within five working days.
Fill in a Tell Us What You Think feedback form, which is available next to our customer feedback boxes placed at various locations throughout the State Library.
Provide feedback to us via Contact Us.