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Student researching at the State Library of SA.

Study resources for students

  • eresources
  • students
  • study
  • senior school
  • year 12 project
  • sace

Our learning and research librarians have compiled a selection of eResources for students to help with their research

What's inside

South Australian students can access research sources for personal use and study

  • onsite at the Library
  • with a Library membership outside of the Library at home or on the go.

The State Library provides home access to eResources including authoritative databases that include journals, magazines, current and historical newspapers on a wide range of subjects including history, science, business, medical and technology. Home access means that registered library users can access these eResources from home. We also have a range of eBooks covering subjects in social sciences, humanities and information technologies.

All South Australian residents are eligible to join the State Library and receive a library card to gain home access to eResources. For non-South Australian residents try searching on Trove.

Join the State Library online or when you visit us, remember to bring along some identification. You can choose to collect your card from the State Library or have it posted to you which can take up to 10 days.