Update to offsite collection retrievals
The State Library is involved with the PANDORA archive initiative by selecting and archiving online publications such as websites so that they can be preserved in a form that resembles the original as closely as possible.
The State Library of South Australia is a partner in the National Library of Australia's PANDORA archive (Preserving and Accessing Networked Documentary Resources of Australia). This national initiative involves selecting and archiving online publications such as websites so that they can be preserved in a form that resembles the original as closely as possible.
Ten major libraries and collecting institutions around Australia contribute to the archive which ensures a broad range of material from most states of Australia.
The National Library's Trove search engine provides the point of access into the PANDORA website archive.
The State Library's catalogue also acts as an access point to some of the websites the library has archived in PANDORA.
The State Library of South Australia selects online publications pertaining to the social record of South Australia. The other partners select publications of significance to their own states or to Australia.
View websites archived by the State Library of South Australia.
The State Library’s Collection Development Policy stipulates the selection criteria for inclusion into the PANDORA archive from the South Australian perspective. Not all websites proposed for inclusion into the archive can be accepted due to technological or other restraints as determined by the State Library.
If you know of a photo, book, poster or, other items that you would like the State Library to acquire, let us know.
We encourage members of the community, organisations, and businesses to consider donating material for appraisal, especially South Australiana, to increase the depth and range of the library's collections.