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South Australiana resources
View recently acquired or donated South Australian material that's either published in South Australia, written by South Australians, or has South Australian content, and that has been added to the library catalogue in the last 14 days. Resources include books, pictures, music, manuscripts, pamphlets and digital material.
Family history resources
View recently acquired Family History materials and resources which has been added to the library catalogue over the last 30 days.
Paul McGuire Maritime Library
View recently acquired books, maps and archival material about sea and shipping which have been added to the library catalogue over the last 30 days.
General reference collection books
View recently acquired general reference books which have been added to the library catalogue over the last 30 days.
Can't find a book on the shelf? Check the New Books table located near the Information Desk or ask the staff at the Information Desk for assistance.
View new eBooks (Electronic books) added to our collection.
You can sort the lists alphabetically and clicking the title will take you directly to the catalogue record.
What's a RSS feed?
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is an online format used to deliver summaries of frequently changing website content such as; news, database updates and new book titles.
Watch the the RSS in Plain English video on YouTube for more information.
I see funny looking XML text when I click on the RSS feeds?
Most internet browsers have inbuilt RSS feed readers, but if you see XML text when you click on the above RSS feeds, you might need to install a RSS feed reader into your browser. Here are some links to using RSS feed readers with some popular browsers:
Please note: These links are provided for information only and do not endorse any specific option. We encourage you to explore various options before settling on one choice.