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Research is an important part of your studies at school and in particular Activating Identities and Futures. To be a good researcher, you must be able to locate, organise, evaluate, and communicate information. This is what library staff do all the time. 

The key to a successful assignment or project is in understanding how to select and use the right information resources for your specific needs.

We can help you find information in online databases, e-books, e-journals and e-newspapers, library catalogues, and print resources. Access is free at the State Library.

Our speciality is South Australian materials. The collection and preservation of material relating to South Australia and its people is a primary role of the State Library. 

What happens in the Prefect Bunker...

A humorous video co-designed by secondary school students for their peers showing the importance of credible sources available at the State Library of SA to assist students with their Research Project. To view the credits, read the clip's description in YouTube.

How our librarians can help

  • how and where to start researching your topic
  • effective use of databases and the internet
  • finding and evaluating information
  • using the library's collections, both physical and online.

Where you should start

Research work is a skill that improves with practice. At first, the information gathering process seems daunting, but once you learn the ropes you will surprise yourself with your efficiency. Please talk to our staff at the Information Desk if you would like any assistance.

Define your research topic

Analyse your topic before you start, as this will help you to search more quickly and effectively. Work out what terms to look for and what search tools will be the most appropriate. You may also learn more about your topic as you go along. This can open up new research paths. Additional clues may present themselves, which will broaden your information hunt in new and unexpected ways.

Search for relevant sources at the State Library

Selecting resources

From the information that you have found, select the most useful to your topic. Some questions to ask are:

  • Does the information have to be current?
  • Do you need to use primary sources? E.g. archival material in its various formats: letters, diaries, photographs, oral histories.
  • Is your selected resource accurate and credible information? 

Visit Research Advice from SACE for useful guides on how to select credible sources for your research question.

Organise your references

Visit SACE Research Advice for useful guides in referencing.

Where else to find help

Research Advice from SACE - includes researching and referencing tips.

Accessing other libraries

Public Libraries SA – connecting you with your local library.

Tips from other states

All my own work program (NSW) – a program to assist high school certificate (HSC) students in NSW follow principles and practices of good scholarship.

Learn Skills (Ergo website) – research resources provided by the State Library of Victoria

Learn how to search like a Librarian