Update to offsite collection retrievals
Find out how to order a copy and/or seek permission to publish one of our collection items.
The cost to obtain collection copies varies according to format, turnaround times and delivery method.
Fill in a Quote to copy or permission to publish form, to start an order and receive a price confirmation for a copy from our collection.
Once you have received price confirmation, you can Pay an invoice via the South Australian government's payment gateway.
Some items on the State Library of South Australia catalogue are designated as having 'no known copyright restrictions'.
Permission to use such items for any purpose, including publishing, is not required from the State Library, however, certain conditions must be adhered to. For all other items, the library requires that permission to publish is obtained before publication.
All requests for permission to publish should be made in writing, giving details of the item/s required and their proposed use.
The requirement for permission to publish is based on ownership, not copyright, to ensure:
Fill in a Quote to copy or permission to publish form, to start your request for permission to publish.
Each request is considered individually and the requester is notified in writing whether permission to publish has been granted, as well as conditions of use and the form of acknowledgement.
The State Library does not charge publication fees.
Allow up to two weeks for the assessment of a permission to publish request.
Upon receipt of payment, allow up to three weeks for the completion of a copy order, with a permission to publish request.