The Library is closed for the public holiday on Monday 27 January 2025
Changes to eResource subscriptions
Mediated access is required when archival records contain personal information about individuals whose privacy requires protection.
Clients wanting access to any of these items and/or a copy need to provide written permission to the State Library from the relevant organisation as listed under Seek permission contacts. Records listed in our catalogue requiring mediated access are clearly identified.
Anyone asking for access to these records must meet one of the following criteria:
Once permission has been obtained from the relevant organisation complete the following form to arrange a time to access and/or copy the record:
Fill in the Records requiring mediated access online form
Our staff will notify you about your specific request regarding required access and/or copy supply.
If you are unable to submit the permission electronically, please send a copy by post:
Research Services
State Library of South Australia
GPO Box 419, Adelaide, SA 5001
Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian and Uniting Church records
Synod Archivist
Uniting Church in Australia
212 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000
Anglican Church records
Anglican Church Archivist or Executive Officer
Anglican Church Office
26 King William Road, North Adelaide SA 5006
Diocesan Archives - Adelaide Anglicans
Australian Red Cross records
Australian Red Cross Executive Assistant to the Executive Director SA
212 Pirie St, Adelaide SA 5000