Update to offsite collection retrievals
The State Library's takedown policy allows you to request the removal of material on any State Library website where you as a copyright owner have not given permission, or that relates to other specific matters.
In making collections and services available online the State Library of South Australia acts in good faith. However, we recognise that despite best efforts there may be occasions when material made available online is considered to breach copyright or other relevant law or contains information that is culturally sensitive.
If you are concerned that you have found material on a State Library website for which you as a copyright owner have not given permission, or that relates to other specific matters, you have the right to send us a takedown request.
We aim to resolve takedown requests quickly and to the satisfaction of all parties.
The State Library of South Australia is a member of National and State Libraries Australia (NSLA) and endorses NSLA's position statement and procedural guidelines on takedown requests.
The State Library has a mandated role to collect and preserve cultural heritage, provide open and equitable access to information, and support the growth of knowledge and ideas. Given these responsibilities, materials provided online will be taken down (or have other access restrictions imposed) only in extraordinary circumstances. In making collections and services available online, the State Library respects jurisdictional legal considerations.
In terms of copyright infringements, Australia has recently legislated to extend safe harbours protection to include cultural, educational and disability groups where they provide online services to the public. The Copyright Amendment (Service Providers) Act 2018 sets the services and compliance requirements to which 'safe harbours' may apply. As well as being relevant to takedown of material uploaded by third parties, these changes are relevant for those providing public access computers or search services. More information is available from the Australian Libraries and Archives Copyright Coalition.
Please contact us in writing and state the following:
Send your takedown request by email
or write to:
Takedown Request Officer, State Library Services
State Library of South Australia
GPO Box 419
Adelaide SA 5001
Once we have received your request we will provide you with an acknowledgement of its receipt and further information on the process involved.
To promote consistent responses to takedown requests, the State Library has agreed to take into account the following general principles:
In relation to the State Library's websites, the following outcomes may occur:
The State Library advises, given the complexity of the online environment, that when a valid request results in the takedown of material: