Update to offsite collection retrievals
View contact details and open hours of the resident organisations located within the State Library's buildings.
The Library Cafe is open:
Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm
Saturday 12 to 4pm
Phone: (08) 7424 6200
First floor, Institute Building.
Monday to Friday10am to 5pm.
Saturday and Sunday 12 to 5pm
Phone: (08) 8203 9888
Email: staff@centreofdemocracy.sa.gov.au
First floor, Institute Building.
Monday to Thursday 10am to 2pm.
Phone: (08)7424 6310
Email: slsafriends@sa.gov.au
National Archives staff are available to help you begin your research into their collections and provide assistance with ordering records to view in the Somerville Reading Room. The NAA reference desk in the Somerville Reading Room is open to the public.
Opening hours are Wednesday to Friday 10am to 5pm.
Phone: (08) 9470 7580
Email: archives@naa.gov.au
Visit the National Archives South Australia visit us page for more information.
Level 3, Mortlock Wing - southern end.
The RGSSA Library is currently closed for refurbishment.
Phone: (08) 7424 6311
Email: library@rgssa.org.au
Collection access is via the State Library catalogue.
First floor, Institute Building.
Monday to Friday 10:30am to 3:30pm, Saturday to Sunday 1 to 4pm.
Phone: (08) 8232 0450
Email: rsasarts@bigpond.net.au
First floor, Institute Building.
Phone: 0476 999 002
Email: info@writerssa.org.au