Update to offsite collection retrievals
Our online catalogue contains information for virtually all material held by the State Library. Find out ways of using the State Library Catalogue to get the resources you are looking for.
It brings together the State Library's published, archival, pictorial, and ephemeral collections in one search. The catalogue contains titles and details of:
These materials are held by or are accessible from the library. The catalogue gives information about collection locations within the building, or off-site, and item call numbers. It also indicates the issues and dates the library holds of periodical and newspaper titles.
Searches can be done across the entire catalogue or can be limited to particular categories, such as pictorial items (photographs, artworks and posters) or types of publication, such as magazines, journals and newspapers. Use the drop-down menu from the box on search screens with the label 'View entire collection' to access these options.
While much of the material listed in the catalogue is available on the open access shelves in the general reading areas, items in other parts of the collection need to be requested from the library's storage areas via:
Heritage materials are delivered to the Somerville Reading Room, and to enter this room you'll need to join the State Library to receive a State Library card or apply for a temporary card. Temporary cards are issued at the Information Desk on presentation of proof of identity including your current address.
Learn more about the retrieval of materials from the collection, including delivery times and locations.
The catalogue also searches to eResources available in full-text, especially full-text articles from over 13,000 magazine and newspaper titles. To access full-text articles outside of the State Library you will need to be a State Library member and a resident of South Australia.