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State Records of South Australia and the State Library of South Australia are calling for expressions of interest from individuals to join the Aboriginal Reference Group.

The Aboriginal Reference Group, set up in March 2022, works with both organisations to:

  • improve the availability of archival material and services relating to Aboriginal peoples and culture
  • provide feedback and advice on their programs and activities relating to Aboriginal people and culture.


Any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person can nominate for membership for a term of up to 24 months. Preference will be given to those that have connections with communities across all regions of South Australia.

Diverse representation of Aboriginal peoples will be a priority objective.

Meetings will be held at least four times a year either in person, online or a combination of both.

Members will have knowledge of and experience in issues affecting Aboriginal people in relation to libraries, archives, and/or records management, and the ability to represent the interests of Aboriginal peoples across South Australia.


Expressions of interest may be made by an organisation, another community member or by self-nomination.

The Expression of Interest form and the terms of reference are available from the State Records of South Australia.

Nominations are now open and close Monday 31 March 2025.


Helen Chadwick
Manager Archive
State Records of South Australia
Phone: (08) 7322 7729